Impression Materials

Kulzer Xantopren Function Combi Pack

Xantopren has provided a proven solution since the 1960s, early on setting the standard for C-silicone impressions.

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The product range includes three individual versions – each tailored to the exacting demands of professional users, and enabling precise and durable reproduction of detail.

The perfect system for edentulous impressions.
Xantopren Function is applied for functional border impression, open mouth impression (passive impression) and closed mouth impression (active impression).

Kit includes:

  • 450ml Xantopren Function
  • 7ml Activator component Red
  • 7ml Activator component Yellow
  • Dosing scoop + mixing block
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Brand Kulzer
Tags Kulzer, Xantopren, Combi pack, impression, impression material, optosil, C-silicone
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